path: root/pkglists/min.lst (follow)
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* XFCE: remove ghostscript to stay below CDROM ISO size Eric Hameleers2017-05-101-2/+2
* XFCE: Slackware replaced slocate with mlocate Eric Hameleers2017-03-171-0/+1
* pkglists: add packages that are new to slackware-current. Eric Hameleers2017-01-231-0/+1
* sshfs was added to Slackware-current. Eric Hameleers2016-11-091-0/+1
* XFCE: shrink the ISO size to fit on CDROM medium again. Eric Hameleers2016-07-311-1/+1
* XFCE: routed is needed for the PXE server. Eric Hameleers2016-05-051-0/+2
* XFCE: add some network tools, remove some entertainment (to stay below 703MB). Eric Hameleers2016-05-051-0/+4
* XFCE: add 'squashfs-tools' to the minimal package list (min.lst). Eric Hameleers2016-03-291-0/+1
* Updated package list for the minimal XFCE ISO to keep it below 703MB (CDROM). Eric Hameleers2016-01-221-2/+3
* XFCE: libevent is a new dependency for the links package. Eric Hameleers2016-01-041-0/+1
* Slackware Live Edition: initial commit.Beta2 Eric Hameleers2015-11-281-0/+117