path: root/make_slackware_live.sh (unfollow)
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2020-12-05Add getfattr to the live initrd, to read extended attributes Eric Hameleers1-0/+6
The busybox does not (no longer?) have this tool.
2020-12-05PLASMA5: start konsole with a login shell Eric Hameleers1-0/+15
2020-12-05Fix use of 'live' instead of '$LIVEUID' Eric Hameleers1-1/+1
2020-12-05PLASMA5: Remove broken/unwanted shortcuts (discover/konqueror) from taskbar Eric Hameleers1-0/+5
2020-12-05Only configure KDE4 if it is actually installed into the Live OS Eric Hameleers1-43/+49
2020-12-05Add a ~/.bashrc file for the user Eric Hameleers1-0/+7
2020-12-05Fix the help text for the '-t' parameter to make_slackware_live.sh Eric Hameleers1-1/+1
2020-12-05make_slackware_live.sh: expand the '-t' parameter functionality Eric Hameleers1-34/+37
Add a new value 'bloat'. Possible values are now: -t <none|doc|mandoc|bloat> With the documentation: Trim the ISO (remove man and/or doc and/or bloat). The 'value 'doc' will cause most of the documentation to be removed (READMEs and LICENSE files will be retained). Using 'mandoc' will not just remove documentation but additionally all man pages from the ISO. The value 'bloat' removes a lot more, like static libraries, big shared libraries, un-needed binaries etc. This is what is used by default when the 'XFCE' live variant is built to ensure that the ISO size stays below 700MB. Note that from now on, you can build a XFCE ISO that has *nothing* pruned at all! This will increase the size of the ISO, but if you were not going to burn the ISO to a CDROM medium then that ISO size is not relevant anyway. Example commandline: # make_slackware_live.sh -d XFCE -t none -c zstd This will generate a XFCE ISO without any 'bloat' removed, and using 'zstd' compression instead of 'xz' which will increase the size with an additional 10% but will cause the Live OS to boot significantly faster due to faster decompression speeds of zstd.
2020-12-05Add 'rtl_nic' to network firmware list for PXE boot from a NFS root Eric Hameleers1-1/+1
2020-12-05Add package blacklist per variant Eric Hameleers1-1/+19
This was needed when new ibus based imput-methods were added to testing 'vtown' and all scim packages needed to be blacklisted. Also, fixed a syntax issue in the package installation function.
2020-12-05XFCE: use mcpp as preprocessor to determine XDM login-box position Eric Hameleers1-1/+9
Since gcc was removed from the XFCE Live, but XDM needs a C Preprocessor in order to calculate the position of the login box on the screen, I added 'mcpp' as an external package. Mcpp is a small C preprocessor which is sufficiently compatible with cpp.
2020-12-05Some minor script polish Eric Hameleers1-9/+9
2020-12-05setup2hd: major changes Eric Hameleers1-0/+52
- use $DIALOG instead of calling dialog; hopefully we can use Xdialog at some time - warn user if terminal is too small to display fdisk/gdisk interfaces - improve installation time of squashfs modules to harddisk with a factor 6, by using a different way to show progress - tweak dialogs so that they show less empty space - if possible, set sane default selections in menu's to make the installation process smoother - fix many small bugs in user account creation, password dialog, user config extraction, removal of redundant configuration questions etc
2020-10-24Slackware Live Edition: version Eric Hameleers1-1/+1
2020-10-24setup2hd fixes and enhancements Eric Hameleers1-4/+5
DAW configuration is now properly copied Extracting the Live OS to hard disk is roughly 10 times faster now, after abandoning the fancy progress bar and just showing the rsync status. Use an enhanced Slackware SeTpasswd to add a non-root user and set the root password. Various syntax and logic errors removed.
2020-10-20Slackware Live Edition: version Eric Hameleers1-1/+1
2020-10-20XFCE: use Firefox as the PDF viewer Eric Hameleers1-0/+10
2020-10-20Make the face icon customizable Eric Hameleers1-2/+9
2020-10-20Fix some erroneous occurrences of LIBDIRSUFFIX Eric Hameleers1-2/+2
2020-10-20DAW: many small improvements Eric Hameleers1-4/+9
2020-10-05Prevent the script from aborting early if no custom wallpaper is found Eric Hameleers1-2/+3
2020-10-05Slackware Live Edition: version Eric Hameleers1-1/+1
2020-10-05Custom Plasma5 background for login greeter, desktop, lockscreen Eric Hameleers1-0/+98
This functionality is supported on all Live variants based on Plasma5.
2020-10-05Script optimization - prevent adding multilib twice Eric Hameleers1-2/+4
2020-10-05XFCE: remove un-used old ICU libraries to save space Eric Hameleers1-0/+6
2020-10-05DAW: move the files for custom submenu into new subfolder Eric Hameleers1-3/+4
Un-clutter needed to prepare for further customization of the DAW ISO.
2020-10-05Improvements to script legibility Eric Hameleers1-11/+13
Better demarcation of the start and end of internal function definitions.
2020-10-05setup2hd: add option to install regular Slackware via network mirror Eric Hameleers1-11/+16
The setup2hd script is a modified Slackware installer. For liveslak I had originally removed all the usual SOURCE selections and only allowed for the installation of the Live OS to harddisk. However, requests were sent to also support a regular installation of Slackware using the Live ISO. That is why I have now re-added all the Slackware network install choices (via NFS, HTTP, FTP or Samba mirror). I still left out the Slackware installation using local media; the Live ISO does not contain regular Slackware packages so that would not make sense.
2020-09-19Slackware Live Edition: version Eric Hameleers1-1/+1
2020-09-19DAW: move all DAW programs into a new submenu 'Slackware Live DAW' Eric Hameleers1-0/+31
The new submenu hierarchy is "Applications > Multimedia > Slackware Live DAW". All applications from the DAW package list are moved into that new menu, this will un-clutter the parent Multimedia menu.
2020-09-19Fix a string check Eric Hameleers1-2/+2
2020-09-19Fix handling of 'local' package lists Eric Hameleers1-2/+2
2020-09-06Fix a typo causing a script error Eric Hameleers1-1/+1
2020-09-05Slackware Live Edition: version Eric Hameleers1-1/+1
2020-09-05Allow customization of the live user's full name Eric Hameleers1-6/+16
2020-09-05DAW: grant write access to /dev/cpu_dma_latency Eric Hameleers1-1/+4
Prevent CPU's from going into idle state to improve latency.
2020-08-04Slackware Live Edition: version Eric Hameleers1-1/+1
2020-08-04DAW: tune the qjackctl behavior Eric Hameleers1-4/+7
2020-06-25Slackware Live Edition: version Eric Hameleers1-1/+1
2020-06-25DAW: make pulseaudio use 48 KHz sample rate, like JACK and ALSA Eric Hameleers1-0/+13
2020-06-25XFCE: remove more irrelevant firmware to keep the ISO below CDROM size Eric Hameleers1-0/+5
2020-06-25Make the name "Slackware Live User" configurable Eric Hameleers1-4/+7
2020-05-29Slackware Live Edition: version Eric Hameleers1-1/+1
2020-05-29Only configure suauth if the system is not using PAM Eric Hameleers1-3/+5
2020-05-29Fix a shell syntactical error Eric Hameleers1-1/+1
2020-05-29make_slackware_live.sh: fixes for the DAW variant Eric Hameleers1-7/+8
2020-04-30Slackware Live Edition: version Eric Hameleers1-1/+1
2020-04-30Do not autostart latte-dock Eric Hameleers1-8/+0
Latte-dock depends on the window manager's compositor. If you use Alt-Shift-F12 in Plasma5 to disable compositing (for instance if you want to record audio and the compositor is just eating your precious CPU cycles) then you do not want Latte-dock running.
2020-04-30DAW: keep tweaking the audio setup Eric Hameleers1-25/+50
Hopefully I'll get somewhere sometime and have ALSA/Pulse --> JACK working out of the box.
2020-04-30More trimming for the XFCE ISO was required Eric Hameleers1-3/+13