path: root/pkglists/x_base.lst (follow)
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Console OS: move gamin from x_base to noxbase package list Eric Hameleers2021-01-171-1/+0
* Re-order pkglists for Console OS and to fix XFCE notification area...XFCE notification area suddenly requires libdbusmenu and gobject-introspection. Also, I fixed Plasma5 Vaults in the LEAN image by adding fuse. Eric Hameleers2021-01-121-3/+5
* DAW: re-arrange contents of the package lists needed for DAW Eric Hameleers2020-12-131-0/+1
* XFCE: use the new XFCE release in testing/vtown...The increased size of applications forced a decision to remove all development tools (glibc, gcc, make, bison, lex, llvm and the like) from the small XFCE image. In turn I was able to re-introduce a couple of programs that I had to prune during the years. To be honest, I have never used any of these development tools in the XFCE Live OS anyway. All removed development tools are now available in a separate package list called 'z01_swdev.lst' but this module is not built by default. Eric Hameleers2020-12-051-2/+4
* XFCE: add new graphene package Eric Hameleers2020-10-301-0/+1
* XFCE: remove hplip to keep ISO size below 703 MB Eric Hameleers2020-10-291-1/+1
* DAW: updated package lists Eric Hameleers2020-10-051-1/+1
* XFCE: update the package lists to keep the ISO below CDROM size max Eric Hameleers2020-05-291-0/+2
* Lots of updates to the package lists for the liveslak release...It's increasingly difficult to keep the XFCE ISO below CDROM media maximum size, 737.280.000 bytes (703 MB). Concessions had to be made to the list of applications present in the XFCE ISO. Eric Hameleers2020-04-301-0/+4
* Updated package lists for 'daw' 'plasma5' and 'x_base' Eric Hameleers2020-01-241-0/+1
* Update the package lists to match the changes in -current Eric Hameleers2019-11-011-0/+1
* XFCE: add libglvnd as new dependency of mesa in -current Eric Hameleers2019-05-111-0/+1
* XFCE: make blueman-applet work Eric Hameleers2019-05-051-0/+2
* XFCE: update package list Eric Hameleers2019-01-171-0/+1
* XFCE: added ed, bc, smartmontools, xf86-input-libinput...I added ed, bc, smartmontools because they are small and someone needed it. The xf86-input-libinput was added to fix the TrackPoint with recent versions of the X server. Eric Hameleers2018-11-041-0/+1
* XFCE: place the commented-out packages alphabetically like before Eric Hameleers2018-09-091-14/+14
* XFCE: update the package list so that the ISO stays below CDROM size...Also, split 'x_base' into 'noxbase' and 'x_base' so that in future we can create a 'rescue' option using just 'min' and 'noxbase'. Eric Hameleers2018-09-011-132/+15
* Update the package lists for PLASMA5 and XFCE Eric Hameleers2018-05-101-0/+5
* XFCE: rename xbase.lst to x_base.lst...The order in which the squashfs modules were created should be respected when they are re-assembled to an overlay filesystem. The assembly is done in lexicographical order - therefore xbase.lst needed to be renamed to x_base.lst. Failing to adhere to the original assembly order causes weirdness. In my case it meant that the complete directory /usr/share/applications as contained in xapbase.lst was invisible in the resulting overlay, causing near-empty menus in XFCE. Also added several packages to x_base.lst that are now part of Slackware. Eric Hameleers2018-03-151-0/+434